Get to know SMIGHT

At SMIGHT we are helping Distribution Network Operators to enable the energy transition whilst maintaining grid stability, by giving them the tools they need to digitise their grid and thereby bring transparency into their low voltage networks.

We do this by offering  IoT enabled current and voltage sensing technology, which is installed across all phases on secondary substation and distribution cabinet feeders.


Ortsnetzstation mit SMIGHT Grid2

The energy transition is turning electricity grids on their heads and placing a far greater importance and strain on the low voltage networks as this is where EVs are charged, heat pumps are operated, and roof top solar is deployed. Traditionally these low voltage networks have been predictable to operate and have therefore not needed particularly sophisticated monitoring and management. This, however, has changed and is gaining ever increasing complexity as the energy transition continues to develop. This is driving the need for so called ‘smart’ grids.

SMIGHT enables distribution network operators to

  • Prioritise Reinforcement and development work
  • Optimise network operation
  • Plan more accurately and effectively for the future
  • Identify and resolve congestion

SMIGHT Grid2 solution
is offering

Our references
in numbers

Zeichnung Mitarbeiter

distribution grid operators


transformer stations


measuring points

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